My Life is Transformed through Mastering my Self-Healing Powers

This is my story, to share with you the Beauty of Bai Yin Qigong, how it has transformed my Life, and the Joy that I found, which paved the Way for me to be a Bai Yin Qigong Volunteer, and Certified Instructor.

Yvonne Yee

Before Learning Qigong:

Since my teenage days, I enjoyed sports, loved outdoor activities, and even participated in marathons. I was always under the impression that I was leading a healthy life, I was fit and strong. With youth on my side, I was invincible, and able to do anything I set my heart on.

… until life took a turn. I was rushed into the emergency ward one day in 2012, when I was in my 20’s. I was diagnosed with ovarian endometriosis, a condition that affected the female reproductive organs. I had a surgery to remove the cyst. I thought that surgery would be the close of that chapter, and I could go back to life as normal, and continue to enjoy my active life-style. Little did I know then, that it was the 1st of a series of surgeries and hospital stays to come.

6 months later, I felt an excruciating pain and got myself admitted into hospital again. I was shocked to discover that the cyst had made its come-back, but I didn’t want to be under the surgeon’s knife another time. After getting a 2nd opinion, I heeded that doctor’s recommendation to go on hormone pills, to curb the growth of the cyst.

Despite doctor’s advice to stay off vigorous sports, I carried on with my life as usual, and continued to play badminton. This caused the cyst to rupture. I had no choice then, but to go for the 2nd surgery to remove the cyst.

After the 2nd surgery, the doctor advised me to remain on hormone therapy to make sure the cyst didn’t come back. Recovery this time was much longer, but sad to say, hormone therapy didn’t make any difference, as the stubborn cyst reared its ugly head yet again after 6 months.

Life as I knew it, ceased to exist. I had to stay off sports and outdoor activities, for fear that the cyst would rupture again, or something even worse might happen.

I was on many types of hormone therapies, had multiple injections and was prescribed all sorts of medication, so much so that my cabinet looked like a shelf in a well-stocked pharmacy. I even had menopause induced, etc, but nothing made any difference. The cyst remained like a permanent occupant in my body.

Hormone therapy made me feel really crappy. I was frustrated that none of the treatments seemed to be working, yet I had to continue pumping myself with more hormone jabs and pills. It was also mentally exhausting. I went through an emotional roller-coaster. My emotions swung from extreme anger with myself, with everything at large and with God, to the depths of sadness and self-pity, which led to worries and depression. I questioned myself constantly – Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? .. and I demanded of God: What did I do to deserve this, at this early stage in my life.

These emotional upheavals triggered off depression and damaged my lungs. I had sinusitis and infections. The sinus attacks happened so frequently, that I was in and out of hospital. I was on medical leave almost every week. I had to swallow plenty of antibiotics to help my body fight against these infections, but these further weakened my health. The weaker I was, the more depressed I became, and all these circled round and round in a vicious cycle. Everything was affected – my work, my personal relations with family, friends, colleagues, students, and my work performance suffered. My health deteriorated even further.

I suffered with this for 12 months, until one day, I was done with fever and flu every other week, pumping myself with more and more drugs to keep my sinus infection under control. I decided to take the doctor’s advice and went for sinus surgery, my 3rd surgery. Surgery was but a temporary fix, as the sinus infection continued to haunt me for months thereafter.

One of the arteries in my nose ruptured, after I indulged in some alcohol at a social event. When the bleeding wouldn’t staunch and blood flowed continuously for an hour, I finally had to relent and got my father to rush me to the emergency ward for a 4th  surgery.

The feeling of being readied for surgery and being wheeled into emergency operating theatre was too scary, even thinking about it now. It was at this time that I had an epiphany. The wake-up called finally dawned on me that I needed to do something about my life. I was at a point where I had absolutely no control over my own life, that whether I lived or died rested in the hands of doctors and nurses doing their level best, fighting against time to make sure I didn’t die from losing too much blood. They had to take all immediate action to save my life, no time to spare, even to attend to standard procedures of asking for consent prior to taking medical action. This whole fearsome experience, the helpless and bleakness, left a lasting scar in my heart.

After that, my life made a complete about-turn. My outlook of life and my whole perception about health changed. I realised that health is so very precious. I wanted to spare my parents and friends from the pain and worries they went through each time I was taken to the hospital. I had to take care of my health and make that a priority, while I still could. I wanted to take charge of my health, to try to get back the body that I had before all these nightmares started. I tried so many different ways to get back the health that I had 5 years ago. I changed my eating habits, cut down on fried foods, eat huge amounts of fruits every morning but I still felt weak. Nothing seemed to work, not even supplements.

I learned HarmonyQi in May 2016:

When my good friend introduced me to Bai Yin Qigong, I joined because I had run out of ideas. I had tried everything, and none of them worked for me. However, I was doubtful whether Qigong could help me.After my 1st HarmonyQi class, we had to do our homework – practise at least 2 sets “Palm Trembling”, twice a day. After that 1st night itself, I couldn’t stay awake past 10pm. I simply had to sleep. My body was so tired for the next few days that I couldn’t bring myself to practise Qigong. My body told myself to sleep at 10pm for the next 3 consecutive nights.

On the 4th day, I finally started to practise for the next few days, and felt much better in terms of my general well-being. My hands were much warmer and I had never felt this way for the past 3 years. Friends actually asked me if I lost weight.  I just laughed it off and told them I was practising Qigong.

I went for my 2nd HarmonyQi class with an open mind this time. I listened attentively, learning up all the movements, and practising at home. I started to sleep at 10pm and my internal body-clock woke me up before my alarm rang at 6:30am, when before I had to drag myself out of bed, still feeling tired. I thought to myself, “I must be crazy!” Even my friends laughed at me when I told them that I needed to go home, because my bed time was 10pm.

Towards the 3rd week of practising Qigong, I started having a lot of aches at my old injury areas, which made me uncomfortable to the point that I would be awakened from sleep and would just lay in bed, dreading the day ahead. Yet, I persevered and forced myself to practise Qigong.

Constipation was no longer a problem. I had big bowel movements more often, compared to previously when I would go only twice in a week.

Another thing I noticed was that my migraine didn’t trigger as often anymore. Previously, I would get an attack very often, because the muscles at my shoulder area were so tense. However, Qigong made me more relaxed and my muscles more pliable.

I started to feel less stressed up and agitated over everything, as there would be a natural solution to every problem. In the past, when I was tense over every big or small matter, my gastric problem and indigestion triggered very often, causing me to burp a lot. There was so much gas in my body that I couldn’t expel it in time. I had to take gastric pills to help myself sleep, as the pain attacks were excruciating. However, lately, when I thought it was going to have another gastro-indigestive attack again, I just kept burping instead, and surprisingly, the pain went away.

After my 4th class, my body started to regulate itself. Fetoxification had taken on a new level. I had rashes under my arm and along my waist. The itch was so bad that I had a tough time resisting the urge to take an anti-histamine pill or apply steroid cream to ease the itch. Here is a photo of how bad the rash became due to my itchy fingers scratching the affected area.

I had to frequent the Chiropractor as I suffer from a birth defect where my last lumbar is fused to my sacrum, which causes lower back pain and made my middle and upper spine got out of alignment. Right after my 4th HarmonyQi class, I went for my Chiropractor appointment. He was surprised that this time, my spine didn’t need much adjustment and there was not much swelling at my pelvic area. Previously, I suffered tremendously because my pelvic bone was spun around, which caused my spine to be rotated all the way up to my neck, which resulted in tremendous back pain and migraine.

After Learning Qigong:

When I started HarmonyQi class in 2016, I had been suffering with the cyst in my ovary for 4 years. I was living with the constant fear at the back of my mind, that it might rupture at any time and land me in the hospital again for another surgery. Immediately before my HarmonyQi class, my gynecology check-up showed that my cyst was 3.8cm in diameter, it had not budged, reduced in size nor disappeared despite the countless number of hormone pills that I had swallowed.

The side effect of taking the hormone pills was depression. Because I was mentally depressed, it indirectly affected many aspects of my life – my career, my relationship with friends and family, my sports and outdoor activities.

2 months after I completed HarmonyQi, in my follow up visit to the gynecologist, the test showed that my cyst had disappeared. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but it definitely had something to do with my practising HarmonyQi every day!

3 months later, the gynecologist told me that I could finally stop the hormone therapy. This was the news that I had been hoping to hear every day since the past 3 years of hormone injections, followed by another 2 years of hormone pills. The cyst didn’t come back and the 2 locules in the left ovary had shrunk. I was so very relieved and I continued to practise my Qigong with greater conviction.

This was the solution that I was searching for, and I found it in Bai Yin Qigong! My confidence in Qigong grew in leaps and bounds. Every time I heard of a Qigong course coming up, I registered for it. That led me to complete LotusQi, YoungQi, and EnerQi and graduated with the Advanced Level Courses in 2016.

After each Essential Course, after I learnt a new technique, I would get a lot of blue black skin discolouration and rashes on my thighs and the side of my chest. I knew that these were signs of detox from my years of countless medication and clearing of blockages that had built up in my body over the years.

Upon completion of YoungQi, not only did I reduce my weekly appointments with the Chiropractor, my spine no longer popped out of alignment so easily.

After Learning Qigong:

Throughout the period that I was learning Qigong, I saw many Volunteers and Assistants sacrificing their time, making sure that the classes progressed smoothly and the environment was conducive for learning and Students’ comfort was taken care of. The Volunteers and Assistants not only set a good example by diligently practising Qigong every day, but they also have good moral values and the noble intention to help Beginners like myself. Their selfless dedication, kindness, compassion and encouragement touched my heart. I wanted to repay this favour to future generations of Students who came after me, and that made me join the ranks of the Bai Yin Qigong Service Team. More importantly, I found my mission in life. I recalled the words Instructor Raymond, my HarmonyQi Instructor, said to me – “A life without a mission is a life without value.”

In the depths of my depression and bleak outlook of life, my Benefactor and Guardian Angel introduced me to Bai Yin Qigong. Bai Yin Qigong was the solution I was looking for then, and it is still helping me right up to this day, improving my life in every way. My life was transformed by Bai Yin Qigong. It transformed my life from one that was hopeless and dependent upon medicines and doctors for the rest of my life, into one that helped me to realise and gain control and mastery over my self-healing powers, to lead a life that is filled with Hope, Joy and Purpose.

During my years of illness, I saw myself change from an active, out-going person, so full of life, into a negative, insecure and sickly person. Qigong has helped me, in both the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of my life, and I have bounced back into a life of health, vibrance and meaning. I know that there is a reason for my years of sickness and suffering, and I have found my mission, which is to help people out there to avoid the path of life-long sickness and reliance on others their health, and  to regain their health and take control of their life, just as I have – through Bai Yin Qigong.


How has Instructor Yvonne’s students benefited from HarmonyQi:


What Others Says About Instructor Yvonne:

“Instructor Yvonne is a very dedicated and committed Instructor. She is totally engaged with her Students, not just during class, but from the first moment that her path crosses with her Students, to graduating from HarmonyQi and along their Bai Yin Qigong journey. She is a natural teacher, and totally involved in her class and her Students, reaching across the divides of age and background, putting everyone at ease when delivering the concepts of Qigong in her class. Being an IT enthusiast, she applies her knowledge of IT to provide top-notch and an enjoyable, interactive online learning experience to her students.”

~ Volunteer, Bai Yin Qigong

“Thank you for a lovely class, special thanks to Instructor Yvonne for teaching us so patiently and methodically.”

~ K Raj, Mumbai, Student, HarmonyQi Class

“Can’t believe that HarmonyQi Class [with Instructor Yvonne] has ended. I must thank the person who introduced me to this class, a big thank you to our beautiful Teacher Yvonne for teaching us the Qigong techniques; to a dedicated team for your support, last but not least, a big thank you to all participants, too. Wonderful experience. I have benefitted a great deal from this.”

~ Madhi, Student, HarmonyQi Class

“Thank you, Instructor for sharing HarmonyQi in such a professional way. Many blessings.”

~ LAD, Guatemala, Student, HarmonyQi, LotusQi, YoungQi, 2020

“Instructor Yvonne, yours is a great Qigong testimony. You are beautiful, and very articulate, too! Awesome, I’m glad I took this (HarmonyQi) course.” (After 2 days of HarmonyQi)

~ Student D, Malaysia, HarmonyQi, 2022

“I felt very tired yesterday at 9pm. I think I slept at 10pm til 7am this morning. Long time I didn’t have so long hours sleep. I feel so fresh today.” (After 1 day of HarmonyQi)

~ Student K, Malaysia, HarmonyQi, 2022

“I felt very tired after Class yesterday. I went to bed early and managed deep sleep. I woke up a few times in the night, feeling warm – a nice warmth!” (After 1 day of HarmonyQi)

~ Student Y, Malaysia, HarmonyQi, 2022

Hi Dear Instructor, I like ur teaching. Very clear. Since years 2020, i joined your EnerQi revision, i terus like la. Wait for 2years baru ada chance to attend your class again. Very appreciated.

~Student V, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, HarmonyQi, LotusQi, YoungQi, EnerQi, Advanced, 2023

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