Are wrinkles pre-maturely aging you, making you look like an Auntie instead of a sweet young thing?

This is a 3-step technique that gets rid of wrinkles, and moistens your skin to become bright and lustrous.
“Huang Di Nei Jing” states: “Continuous flow of Qi nourishes the internal organs and rejuvenates the external complexion”.
Wrinkles need not be a problem. Your skin can be rejuvenated with the right technique! Wrinkles are not specific only the elderly. The unhealthy living habits of modern day people are leading them down the road to rapid and pre-mature aging.
Master Yin Quan, an expert in Qi Management, says that there are 3 types of wrinkles that cause people to look old pre-maturely – Movement Lines, Forehead Wrinkles, and Crow’s Feet. They are all due to the lack of vitality, just like a deflated balloon that has wrinkle lines on its surface.
With sufficient Qi and blood, you can nourish your skin to maintain its smoothness and firmness. Master Yin Quan explains:
Movement Lines – are mainly due to irregular diet, causing your complexion to look dull and sagging. You should nurture the spleen and stomach to counter this.
Forehead Wrinkles – are due to insufficient Liver and Gall-bladder Qi. People who have sufficient Liver and Gall-bladder Qi will have a well-filled and radiant forehead.
Crow’s Feet – are due to overall lack of vitality. Turbid Qi is clogged up at the brain and is unable to be drained out. It is necessary to start to replenish and nurture the vitality of your entire body.
Do you wish to look younger?
Get rid of those myths about aging and learn the rejuvenation techniques. Master Yin Quan will teach you “Fragrant Concubine’s Beauty Technique”, to fix and repair the damaged organs. When the organs become healthy again, it will be reflected on your face. The coarse wrinkles can be removed without using external force. You can reverse the aging process.
🔗Click Here for the Video Watching-Fragrant Concubine’s Beauty Technique
When you feel the improvements after practising this technique, share it with your relatives and friends. There are short Bai Yin Qigong video clips made available to all, to complement your on-site class learning. You will learn to be more relaxed, and will be able to master the techniques easily.
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