Leg exercise with simultaneous twist of waist, hips, knees and ankles

Do you youngsters complain of knee pain when climbing up and down the stairs? Do you want to squat, but cannot squat; want to run, but dare not run? Wellness expert Master Bai Yin observes that an increasing number of middle-aged and young people are experiencing knee problems, often accompanied by weak legs and feet, and knee pains; all of which are early warning signs of premature aging, which are not to be taken lightly.

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Four major causes of knee pain

Why do our knees ache? Why is knee pain an indication of aging? Master Bai Yin says, “When a person gets old, the legs get old first.” Many of our habits and movements hasten knee joint deterioration. The following are four major causes of knee pain arising from our daily habits.

  1. All injuries to our body may produce inflammatory reactions, which may trigger our
    inflammatory reactions

    auto-immune system to attack our joints that may result in rheumatoid arthritis.

  2. Our body fluids such as joint and tissue fluids lessen with aging. Joints that are less lubricated are more likely to wear off.
    joint and tissue fluids

    Thus, when bones rub against each other, we feel pain.

    squat movements
  3. Improper execution of exercises such as half-squats, incorrect squat movements or wrong squat angles elevate joint loads, in addition to our body weight, thus increasing the likelihood of injury. Whilst climbing stairs and running are beneficial to our heart and lungs, it may be harmful to our knees.
  4. Wearing high-heeled shoes or having flat feet may increase the pressure at the foot and ankle joints during walking. This leads to further wear and tear of the joints, thus increasing the risk of knee pain. The source of pains or sprains while walking may be traced back to weakness of the tendons.
    Wearing high-heeled shoes

Strengthening the foot to reduce joint pressure

To reduce knee pain, we first need to strengthen our tendons. In Master Bai Yin’s Qigong regimen, 3/4 of the techniques are for the legs, with emphasis on strengthening the soles. She has been teaching for 20 years, and statistics from students who practise Qigong show that when circulation to the legs is improved, qi in the legs is strengthened. Most joint pains prior to practising Qigong are reduced.

Master Bai Yin & Students in Group Practice 

Master Bai Yin explains that our tendons are the force generators in our body.

“The liver governs the tendons.”

If our tendons are unable to exert force, our ankles and ankle joints will be weak. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), “The liver governs the tendons.” When a person does not sleep well, or is stressed or fatigued, his liver function will be affected. His ankles and heels will be weak, thus increasing the burden borne by in his knees. Hence, he will experience knee pains sooner than expected.

Three principles for knee protection

Can practising Qigong reduce knee pain? Master Bai Yin points out that those who practise Qigong have higher body temperature, which helps them to perspire and improves blood circulation. As such, their body’s immune system will function properly, making it difficult for inflammatory factors to thrive in the body, thus helping to reduce inflammation. In the process of transforming the body’s essence, the Daoist techniques increase the moisture content in the body, like reducing dryness of the eyes, and increase in perspiration. It is similar to the re-construction of the intrinsic substances, which combine to transform joints lubrication.

increase the moisture content

Master Bai Yin says that if a person wants to live,

Master Bai Yin

he must be active. The key is to choose the right exercise to minimize damage to his knees. One must address three principles: soft, slow and gradual strengthening of the lower body. At the beginning, Qigong practice trains the body to move gently, to strengthen the twisting tension, then to strengthen the waist, followed by the legs. The dynamics of having one leg bent while the other is straightened, one leg rigid and the other loose, will relieve the pressure on the joints. The movement is simple, yet very effective. Anyone can do it and it takes only 10 minutes a day.

[Testimony] From stumbling steps to advanced level, Chen Mengliang practises Qigong to enhance immunity

“Practising Qigong is really helpful to reduce stiffness and soreness,” says Chen Mengliang, an associate professor at the China Medical University, who specializes in hepatitis B and liver cancer. She firmly believes in scientific evidence and clinical trials. It was by chance that she discovered Bai Yin Qigong.

“Before I learned Qigong, I couldn’t seem to get enough sleep every day,” recalls Chen Mengliang of her demanding research days. She ended up with health complications as a poor compromise for lack of sleep. “My knees degenerated the most. I could not stand up or sit down for long periods. It was terribly painful.” Her whole body then was stiff and sore. She was still stiff like a robot, even 5 minutes after getting up from bed. For some time, she had to take a taxi to work.

“I could not sleep well, my knees hurt, I had difficulty walking, and even the “windows to my soul” were giving me trouble. My eyes were sore in the afternoon, and were always tearing. I

eyes are sore and tired

had to take medicine and apply ointment.”

She came into contact with Qigong because of her colleague, Professor Chen. Professor Chen used to have a weak heart and was frail. However, she noticed improvements in his health, until he was able to play a ball game, as well as table tennis. The most intriguing point was that he had new growth of black hair. “I am very curious about what he had done.” This curiosity led Chen Mengliang into the world of Qigong, which changed her life.

Her continuous Qigong practice yielded her amazing results. One day, an assistant asked her why she did not need to use her eye drops anymore? Only then did she realize that her dry eyes syndrome had disappeared. Her eyes were no longer dry, nor teared incessantly. She used to be tired, weak and was easily susceptible to flu. Now, even when everyone around her has flu, she is not affected by it and remains healthy.

From the damaged and stiff robot, she can now agilely jump up and run freely. She no longer needs to rely on taxi driver to send her to work. She is very grateful to Bai Yin QiGong for this blessing. “My knee pain recurs once in while, but it’s less frequent now. I used to struggle to get up at 8 a.m., but now I am already up at 6 a.m.

wake up at 6am😊

I am very happy and I feel calm. Life is so colourful and my mood is much better.” She attributes her improved health to her Qigong practice. “When there is less illness, of course, I feel good.”

Malaysia Bai Yin Qigong (English )Team.

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