Rejuvenation Qigong makes you relaxed and be 20 years younger

Master Yin Quan😘👋👋

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Master Yin Quan, the principle speaker for Bai Yin Contemporary Qigong For Life, has been teaching Qigong for almost 20 years. He has more than 500,000 students worldwide. He is acclaimed as “the most extraordinary Qigong Master”. Many who first set eyes on him, marvel at his complexion – it is rosy, flawless and glows radiantly. Whenever anyone asks him how he maintains it, Master Yin Quan replies, “There is no other way, but to practise the Rejuvenation Qigong Technique.”

“Rejuvenation Technique”, as the name suggests, enables one to regain youthfulness. It is the most sought after technique in the world. It integrates the best of TaiQi, guided breathing exercises and the essence of Qigong. It is the iconic technique of Bai Yin Contemporary Energy For Life. It is especially well-received by the middle-aged group.

As early as 20 years ago, there were already many political leaders, businessmen and distinguished personages who were passing around by word of mouth about it, and even practising it daily. Up until now 20 years later, CEO of Taiwan TongYi Group, Cang Sheng; retired Republic of China Air Force General Tang Fei; the late Hong Kong entertainment tycoon Shao YiFu (Sir Run Run Shaw), are among those who practise the Rejuvenation Technique.

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Why is it that they still continue their Qigong practice after 20 years? It is because were our bodies able to talk, they would all speak the truth – when a technique is effective, radiance and vitality will be written on their faces. Family and friends will be curious to know why, and may even start practising Qigong together. Many students have shared that they have, in fact, tried other health care and wellness alternatives, but only practising Qigong makes them healthy, lifts up their moods, improves their physical fitness, entrenching their love for Qigong that they are loathe to let go of it.

Master Yin Quan has a student who is a senior civil servant in the Ministry of Finance. He was required to be on night shift duty every 4 days. The irregular working hours caused his liver to be inflamed for more than 30 years. He weighed over 100 kg, and his waistline was 52 inches. Every weekend, he went around searching for medical help, seeking for treatments to lower his liver enzyme levels. He travelled all over Taiwan, from north to south, spending hundreds of thousands of yuans, but the improvements he felt were minimal and permanent.

By chance, he participated in a free health examination course and learnt Bai Yin Contemporary Qigong. After practising for less than 2 years, his stubborn adverse liver index readings of more than 30 years improved. Whenever he went to the clinic for his half-yearly check-ups, his doctor congratulated him each time for his improved liver index readings. He says that this is the biggest change in his life. He no longer has lower back pain, he could sleep through the whole night, and the readings in his medical reports have returned to normal. Never had he expected that he would actually regain his youthfulness in his 50s. By practising the Rejuvenation Technique, he has reverted to his health condition of 20 years ago.

Master Yin Quan remarks that times are different now. People’s lifestyles nowadays have changed, which lead to changes in their health conditions, too. Whether it attributed to work, or lifestyles, many people’s lives are jumbled. Many may have just finished work at 11pm; or are still busy using their mobile phones. Some may even just be having their dinners, and most only get to sleep after midnight. He earnestly believes, “Such lifestyles will change the flow of kidney Qi, and cause the smooth flow of blood and Qi to be in disarray.

Days and nights are reversed, lifestyles and work routines are disorderly. Many illnesses that normally would occur after the age of 60, now surface among those who are just in their 30s. Premature aging is causing people to be bewildered, as to how to resolve this problem, and this seriously affects their quality of life. The Rejuvenation Qigong Technique restores the functions of the human organs to their youthful state through the cultivation of essence, Qi and spirit. Through the cleansing of the body, toxins are eliminated, internal organs are rejuvenated, the body’s metabolism stimulated, fatigue eliminated, immunity strengthened, and sleep quality is improved. Youthfulness and vitality are restored, which are exactly what modern day people want most.

Dispel Bad Qi-by Master Yin Quan

Master Yin Quan says, “Many people have the misconception that Gigong is for the elderly. However, once they arrived at my Qigong classes, they discover that the majority of the students are in their mid-30s and 40s. As people age pre-maturely, they seek a solution to maintain their health. Bai Yin Qigong is simple and easy to learn, not restricted by venue, needs only a short time to practise. On top of that, the institution-style of teaching makes learning Qigong easy, fun and lively.

After every Rejuvenation Technique class, Master Yin Quan receives numerous “thank you”

Thank You!

messages from students, relating to him their experiences of regaining youthfulness and starting over a new healthy lifestyle. Master Yin Quan observes in the students that “For life to take on a new shine again, it is essential to have a healthy body. The easiest way to achieve this is to become 20 years younger.
Through Bai Yin Qigong’s free introductory courses workshop, professional instructors will teach you how to avoid falling sick, or to have less illnesses, by using your own Qi, blood and energy to relax and to stay healthy

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