我是黃瀚霆,今年60歲,現在處於半退休狀態,家住吧生 Bukit Tinggi ,學功11年頭了。
對我而言,服務就是放下自我,無私發心地為他人奉獻, 也是對自己的鍛練和提升。
I am Wong Hun Teng, 60 years old. I am semi-retired now. I live in Bukit Tinggi, Klang and have been practising Qigong for 11 years.
I was in the third batch of Bai Yin Qigong students. I remember reading an article in the newspapers about Bai Yin Contemporary Qigong from Taiwan, so I went to Chen’s College to attend Master Yin Quan‘s first talk in Malaysia. At that time, the college was crowded with people. I had to be outside, blocked by people and could not see the stage, but when I heard the MC announce that Master Yin Quan was already on the stage, my whole body suddenly shook, and I felt a very strong Qi presence. Immediately. I desired to learn this Qigong. Unfortunately, due to my prior commitments on Saturday mornings, I could not attend the classes. There was a delay of one year before I started to learn Qigong.
“A day of practice produces a day of merit” (yi ri lian, yi ri gong)
It was only after 2 years of practice that I felt Qi sensation . I can personally attest that Qigong can effectively treat many illnesses. I had been suffering for years from stomach acid reflux, skin allergies, cramps in the middle of the night, polyps on my face and neck, and oral ulcers. Through many years of Qigong practice, all these are gone. I realised that as long as we practise the right Qigong technique, when Qi is unblocked and Qi is sufficient, our body’s self-healing ability and immunity system will be stimulated, our Qi and blood circulation will improve, and the body aches and pains in our body will be relieved. To me, these improvements were very encouraging, and gave me greater confidence and resolution to practise.
“A day of practice produces a day of merit”. I practise every day for one hour.
Four years ago, I joined the Bai Yin Family Volunteer Service Team. For me, service is not only letting go of self, dedication and commitment to others, but for my own training and betterment as well.
“When I serve, I am happy! When I give, I gain!”
Thank you for all the opportunities given to me
M deepest gratitude to Master Yin Quan and Master Bai Yin for imparting to us the Qigong techniques.
My thanks to Klang Teaching Assistant Xiao Chen Mei, for your constant guidance in helping us learn and progress together
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