2017年7月,向Mr Paul教练学习了莲花养心法后,我们似乎每个星期六早上都参加白雁TTDI团练,除了加强自己的功法,也同时真正体验到助教和义工们的团队与自我付出的精神。于是我们又在2018年10月7日参加了白雁自主健康管理学义工服务训练营,并积极加入白雁家族服务的行列。
2018年12月29日(星期六)早上,得到白雁TTDI团练前团长Miss Yvonne Yee的推荐,教练Mr. Paul 的赏识,TTDI团队的支持和协会的认同,我被推选为2019年白雁TTDI团练的团长,正式负起共同推动白雁TTDI团练的重任。我们的团队要坚持继续做好自己的任务,尽己所能,为到来团练的白雁家族成员提供一个舒适的团练环境,高高兴兴的到来,健健康康、收获满满的回家。
让我们一起为自己的努力,报以一个鼓励、感恩的掌声。不为什么,只因为你:爱自己,你选择了一个自主健康的正确方向,加入白雁大家族。让我们一起为自己和家人的努力、健康,继续练功, 加油!
I am Yau Kok Wan, 63 years old, a retired headmaster, live in Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya. Learnt Bai Yin Qigong for nearly 2 years.
On 14th May, 2017, my wife and I enrolled for ‘Harmony Qi’ taught by Instructor Chin Chooi Peng. In the spirit of “Mastering self-healing power as our goal, wellness is Priority”, we took 1 year and 4 months to complete Lotus Qi, EnerQi and YoungQi, graduated on 17 September, 2018.
As Master Yin Quan said: “A day of practice generates a day of benefit”. After some time of practice, we began to experience the benefits of Qigong to improve and maintain our health. Besides weekly group practice, we practise at least an hour every morning.
After learning Lotus Qi from Instructor Paul in July 2017, we began to join the Bai Yin TTDI Group Practice every Saturday morning. Not only we got the opportunity to strengthen our Qigong skill, we also truly impressed by the spirit of teamwork and voluntary job done by the assistants and volunteers. Later, we grab the opportunity to participate in the Bai Yin Volunteer Service Training on 7 October, 2018. After that, we actively joined the training activities of the Bai Yin volunteers and giving service to the Harmony Qi class.
On 29th December ,2018 (Saturday), I was recommended by Miss Yvonne Yee, ex-TTDI Group Practice leader and with the appreciation of Mr. Paul, the support of TTDI practice members and the approval of the association, I was appointed as the Bai Yin TTDI Group Practice new leader for the year 2019. I am now to continue the responsibility to promote a better practice of Bai Yin Qigong at TTDI. Our TTDI team will persist in doing its tasks and I will try my very best to help provide a comfortable group practice environment for all the members of the Bai Yin family. Hopefully all members are happy to come for practice, feeling more healthy and satisfied.
I give , I feel happy;
I give , I benefit.
Let’s work together with a grateful heart. No other reason but it is because you love yourselves. You have chosen the right way of self-healing and join the Bai Yin family.
Let’s practise together, heading to a healthier and happier life for ourselves and families, aiming towards the goal of mastering our own lives.
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