Practice with Gratitude

As i was practising this morning
Tears of gratitude arose
Feeling how blessed i am
To have a method of practice
Passed down from centuries
Made available by our Masters
Little did i know
When i signed up for Harmony
And subsequently all Essential Courses
That Bai Yin Qigong is so handy

In this time of need
When movements are controlled
When some are totally quarantined
When some have passed on
When many are unwell
When all are in fear
Practice is Essential
Virtue is priority

Masters’ wisdom
Is so much needed now
When everything is being challenged
When uncertainty rules the day
We are infinitely blessed
To have a tool
A practice we can do
In the quiet of home
Wherever we are
Quietly diligently appreciatively
Clearing any blockages
Keeping our energies in flow
Boosting our immunities
Truly a time for self help
Let us practice diligently
Maintain good virtues
Stay healthy stay well
Be well
Love, Ash๐Ÿ’ƒโค

One thought on “Practice with Gratitude

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  1. Yes, we are really fortunate and are really grateful to be able to learn this unique Qikong from both Master Bai Yin & Master Yan Kuan and also our Grandmaster Qao Yin and also all the Teaching Instructors and Volunteers who had guided us during our learning journey for us to stay healthy always

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