Harmony Malaysia

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0 thoughts on “Harmony Malaysia

  1. Would like to thank everybody for your efforts in enabling all the English educated students to be able to enjoy articles posted by Master Baiyin in translating all these valuable and informative articles

  2. Congratulations, Yvonne on your road to a good and great health .We are very grateful to both Master Baiyin and Master Yan Kuan for sharing with us this great Baiyin Qikong so that everyone is able to enjoy the benefits derived from practising this Baiyin Qikong

  3. Yes, we are really fortunate and are really grateful to be able to learn this unique Qikong from both Master Bai Yin & Master Yan Kuan and also our Grandmaster Qao Yin and also all the Teaching Instructors and Volunteers who had guided us during our learning journey for us to stay healthy always

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