林家美 50岁 ,助教,功龄9年多,在还没学白雁气功之前,我找了很多养生的方法,但都无法持之以恆。 自从学了白雁气功,才找到适合自己的养生方式。 在学白雁气功过程中: -手腕腱鞘炎消失了 我左手腕手背处鼓了一个包,摸起来软软的,无痛无痒,按下去会酸疼,而且左手使不到力。去看中医推拿吃药都无法改善,所以就放棄就医,也就不再管它。但学了白雁气功约2年后,不可思议,它自己消失了,心里非常高兴,现在我左手使力也没有问题了。 -身体異味困扰解决了 在环境闷或冷气房里,没有大动作,两边腋下会湿湿的,衣服会留下黄黄的,还有闷闷臭酸味,用止汗剂也无法改善,毎次练功时都会嗅到身体很臭,大约过了半年,忽然在练功时闻到身体味道是清澈的。 -改善便秘问题,以前2~3天才排便,排便时间很长,现在非常痛快。
Introduction to Bai Yin 2020 Johor Baru (JB) Group Practice Leader – Camay Lim I am Camay Lim, 50 years old.,TA I have been practising Qigong for 9+ years. Before learning Bai Yin Qigong, I had searched for many methods to maintain my health, but failed to find any that I could persevere with. When I encountered Bai Yin Qigong, I realised that I have found the technique that is most suitable for me. In the process of learning Bai Yin Qigong: **My wrist tenosynovitis (a painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist) disappeared* A lump appeared on the back of my left wrist. It was tender, not painful nor itchy. It only hurt when I pressed it, but my wrsit had no strength. I sought TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) treatment, “tui na”, took medicines, … – nothing helped, hence I gave up on all treatments and ignored it. However, after practising Bai Yin Qigong for about 2 years, amazingly, it disappeared on its own! I felt so happy. I have no problem with my left hand now. **My body odour problem was resolved* In a stuffy or air-conditioned room, my underarms would get sweaty, even without any major movements, causing yellowish stains on my clothes, and producing a smelly sourish body odour (BO). Using anti-perspirants did not help. I could smell my own stinking BO whenever I practised Qigong. After about 6 months or practising Qigong, I suddenly realised that my BO had disappeared, and my body smelled fresh. **I don’t have constipation problems any more* Previously, I only had bowel movement once in 2 ~ 3 days, each time needing to go for a long time. Now I feel so relieved! I am so thankful for having chosen Bai Yin Qigong. I am pleasantly surprised that my Qigong practice has resolved my sub-health problems.
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