我叫陈清平, 土木工程师,55岁 ,助教,2014年开始练白雁气功。练功前并不觉得自己有什么不对劲,因为已经习惯了亚健康状态。自从练了和气疏压发,改善了睡眠,皮肤,体力,才发现自己的身体其实早已经发出了求救信号,只是都被忽略了。 由于感受到学功时老师们的大爱,师兄师姐们的无私奉献,很快的我也加入了服务行列。从和气,莲花到系统课程。我发现到其实在服务中,接近正面积极的师友伙伴,相互影响学习,功法跟心境能得到更好的提升,边做边学,诚如老师常说的“功为本,德为先”。通过服务大众,共修的机会增加,不停地复习也让我接收到之前所忽略的信息。人更加正面而有活力。身体健康了,心境祥和了。感恩所有帮助过我的人。 我从一个几十年人家说油浸都不胖(52公斤,172公分)的瘦子,到现在的62公斤,细细的毛发从光头长出来,白发变黑,充沛的体力,满脸的笑容,向咱们团里的教练助教们看齐,安哥变哥哥,安弟变美女。还等什么呢?一起来练功,来服务吧!独乐乐不如众乐乐,跟大伙一起练功,更加健康,更加快乐。期待每一次的团练都见到你。
Introduction to the 2020 Titiwangsa Group Practice Leader – Tan Cheng Peng I am Tan Cheng Peng, C & S engineer, 55 years old. I am a Teaching Assistant (TA) and have been practising Qigong for 6 years. I started practising Bai Yin Qigong in 2014. Before practising Qigong, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with me, because I was used to being in sub-health condition. Since I started practising HarmonyQi, my sleep quality improved, as did my complexion and physical strength. I realised that my body had been sending out distress signals, but I had ignored them. Because of our Masters’ great love for Qigong & meritorious service, and the selfless dedication of my fellow Brothers & Sisters, I soon joined as a Volunteer, starting from HarmonyQi & LotusQi classes to Essential Courses. I discovered that when serving, being in close proximity to the positive energies of the Masters & my fellow companions, interacting & learning together, my Qigong techniques and my mental state improved tremendously. In the learning while serving process, the Masters’ mantra of “practice is essential, virtue is priority” becomes a reality. By serving more, opportunities to upgrade my techniques increase. The constant revisions enable me to absorb information that had previously slipped by me. I am increasingly positive and energised. My health is better and I feel peaceful. My grateful thanks to everyone who has helped me. From someone who has been referred to for years as “cannot get fat even when soaked in oil” (weighed 52 kg, height 172 cm), my weight is now 62 kg. Fine hair is growing from my previously bald head, white hair has turned black, my vitality is abundant, I am always smiling, just like the Instructors and TAs in our Group. “Uncle” becomes “Brother” and “Aunty” becomes “Pretty Lady”. Being alone is not comparable to being together. Come and practise together, be healthier and be happier. I look forward to seeing you in every group practice.
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