我是怡保的周祝君(Timothy)51岁,学功将近六年了。 我是在2014年的某一天,因为看到报上的一则广告,而本身对于健康特别的注重,所以就带着一颗好奇的心去听了Jason 教练的讲座会。结果一听之下就跟白雁家族结了一个缘。 然后就拉了太太一起报名参加和气舒压法。 本来以为上完和气舒压法就可以功成身退了。怎么知道练了大概三个多月太太开始气上瘾了  练功前后简直是判若两人。以往每晚临睡前都要我帮她准备一堆的松筋油,按摩小腿后才能安然入睡。 练功一段时间后既然可以不用再劳烦我了! 而我本身从小到大的自然闹钟(鼻子过敏症)也既然不药而愈。 当时侯只学了一个和气功已经有这么好的效果!后来再经过妙凌助教的见证。再次的报名了系统课程。在两年的时间里把所有的六课系统全部都学完了。 现在两个孩子也是六课毕业。太太经常跟孩子说。我们不会留太多的钱给你们。只求你们有一个健康的身体。我也常常挂在嘴边跟孩子说: “若你们没变,任何事也不会变 任何事会变,是因为你们改变 改变你们自己,才能改变结果” 在这里也要再次感谢Adeline教练的付出。回想当初六年前每个周日的早上都带着三个小女儿一起来DR PARK团练。那时候的团练才没几个人。不过她每个星期都很坚持的带着孩子陪着我们一起成长!经过她的努力下也造就了今天怡保这个强大的团队。也成为马来西亚七大团练场之一。 在2017年我也被宝凤教练的推荐当上助教。在当助教的这一段时间真的令我感受到学员们学习过程的那种忧虑的心情。常常会害怕学不会。然后我们就有多一个学习帮助别人的机会。 彦宽老师常说:这个年头你们想要帮助别人的机会真的不多了!但是在白雁家族这个大家庭里真的有一个平台可以让我们再次的继续学习成长。让我深深体会怎样去帮助别人就是一种幸福! 最后在这里要告诉还没加入义工和志工的同学。 其实学会付出是一种幸福。 您今天的付出,将来的回报远远超过您今天所付出的一切。赶紧行动。赶快加入我们的团队。共同努力把怡保白雁团队继续壮大。
Introduction to the 2020 Bai Yin Ipoh Group Practice Leader : I am Zhou Zhu Jun (Timothy), 51 years old. I have been practising Qigong for nearly 6 years. One fine day in 2014, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper. As a health conscious person, I went to listen to Instructor Jason's seminar with much curiosity. Hence started my fateful association with the Bai Yin Family. I pulled my wife along to sign up for HarmonyQi Stress Relief Technique. I thought I was done after completing the HarmonyQi course. How was I to know that after 3 months plus of practising, my wife became addicted to Qigong? She was like 2 different persons before & after practising Qigong. Before, every night before going to bed, I used to help her prepare a load of muscle relief oil to massage her calves, so that she could get a peaceful night’s sleep. After practising Qigong for some time, she did not bother me anymore! Furthermore, my own natural alarm clock since young to adulthood (my nose allergy problem) was cured without any medication. At that time, having only learned the HarmonyQi course had already brought about such good results! Later, after witnessing Instructor Miao Ling’s testimony, we signed up for the Essential Courses, and completed all 6 courses in two years. Our 2 children have also graduated from the 6 Essential Courses. My wife often tells the children – “We will not leave you much money. We just pray that you will have a healthy body.” I, too, often remind my children – “If you do not change yourself, nothing changes. Everything changes because you make the change. First change yourself, to change the results.” Here, I wish to thank Instructor Adeline once again for her efforts, recalling 6 years ago when she brought her 3 little daughters to the DR Park group practice every Sunday morning. At that time, there were only a few persons joining the group practice, but every week, without fail, she would bring her daughters to grow up with us! Through her hard work, she has created a strong group practice in Ipoh, which is now one of the 7 major group practice venues in Malaysia. In 2017, Instructor Bao Feng recommended me to be a Teaching Assistant (TA). As a TA, I feel the students’ anxiety as they learn the techniques, fearful that they are not able to master the movements. This gives rise to yet another opportunity for us to learn to help others. Master Yin Quan has said – “This year, you really do not have many opportunities to be able to help others! However, in this large Bai Yin Family, there is a platform for us to grow continuously.” It makes me reflect deeply how helping others is actually a blessing! Lastly, I wish to advise those who have not joined as Volunteers yet – In fact, serving is actually a blessing. Your service today will eventually yield much more returns than all that you have given out today. Take action immediately, hurry up and join our team. Work together to help the Ipoh Bai Yin group practice to grow further.
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