2020白雁槟城植物园团练场团长简介: 我是赖翠霞,59岁,学功近3年。 学功之前,因为母亲自小家庭贫困,我又是母亲3年连续生产的第三胎,因此体质差,加上我长期工作上的压力,病魔早已潜藏待发。 长期没间断看医生,每日得吃三餐的药,心里的抑郁,情绪的干扰,人生茫然! 55岁,在人生的转角处,贵人Ms Tan 捎来了白雁气功–和气舒压法将开课的讯息。反正不少钱都花在不能好的医药费,就试试吧!更何况Ms Tan 是高品味的人,她说的话应该不会是夸张(老师发气时,坐在轮椅上的病人都可以站起来)! 半天的和气颤掌,我的老毛病—胃胀风就原形毕露,夜晚更是呕到胃都翻转,加上严重的偏头痛,我想地狱受罪大概就是这样吧! 一夜无眠,历尽病魔折腾,心里期盼的曙光终于出现。多么担心健康情况不能继续练功!幸好教练点头:可以继续学!那时像被判”无罪”,高兴得想燃放烟花! 学了白雁气功,练了颤掌,从此我一颗药都不必再吃,真的是”神奇颤掌”。身体的连环病痛无药而除! 一年半的时间,我学完了老师所有的功法!我天天练功,早晚各一次! 我从不缺席团练,因为在团练场,面慈心善的师兄师姐不吝给于指点及鼓励,让我在最短的时间掌握功法,充满信心。 空气清新又充满负离子的植物园团练场,再加上有白雁家族的陪伴一起练功,你们舍得不来吗? 祝愿大家 身心健康 自主生命
Introduction to the 2020 Penang Group Practice Leader – Lye Chooi Hiya
My name is Lye Chooi Hiya . I am 59 years old. I have been practising Qigong for almost 3 years. Before I learned Qigong, my body constitution was poor. My mother was poor from my childhood days. I was the third child born in the third year in a row. Hence, my body constitution was poor. On top of that, I had long-term work related stress. Many illnesses were already latent in my body. I saw the doctor continuously over a long period of time. I was taking medication 3 times a day as meals. I was depressed, emotionally disturbed and life was empty for me! The turning point in my life appeared when I was 55 years old. My benefactor angel “gui ren” Ms Tan messaged me that the Bai Yin Qigong HarmonyQi class was about to start. In any case, I had already spent a lot of money on medical expenses that did not do me any good, so why not just try it! Moreover, Ms Tan is a person of high standards, what she said would not be exaggerated – When Master emits Qi, even a wheel chair-bound patient can get up! After half a day of Palm Trembling, my old illnesses – gastricitis and flatulence were revealed for all it was worth. I vomitted the whole night through, my stomach was turned upside down, and I had severe migraine. I thought that was how suffering in hell felt like! Through sleepless nights, tortured by sicknesses, the dawn of hope finally appeared. I was so worried that my health would not allow me to continue to learn Qigong! Fortunately, the Instructor nodded – I can continue on! At that time, I was pronounced “innocent”, I was so happy that I wanted to set off fireworks! Since learning and practising Palm Trembling, I did not need to take any medicine again. Palm Trembling truly is “amazing”. The chronic illnesses in my body were eliminated without medication! I learned all Master’s courses in a year and a half! I practise every day, once each in the morning and evening! I have never been absent from group practice, because in the group practice, the kind-hearted brothers and sisters never hesitate to share pointers and give encouragement, enabling me to master the techniques in the shortest time, and to gain full confidence. The fresh air of the Botanical Gardens group practice grounds loaded with anion (negative ions), plus a group of Bai Yin family members to accompany you during practice – how can you resist not coming for group practice? Wishing everyone good health and “mastering your self-healing powers”.
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